June 29, 2010

Romeo, Romeo...

...where for art thou... LORENZO?

Haha, ok so I didn't exactly get the line right, but it is a little glimpse to what I just saw...


Great movie! AMAZING! OK, so first I must say at first, I was NOT crazy about the male lead... at all. He was priggish, a dream-killer, and an all around meanie. But as the movie went on, he softened and was a lovable character. I liked the choice of female lead; not because I like that actress (I do not) but because she played it very well. I absolutely LOVED the elderly lady who playeds Claire, she was really good...

This is not a movie review, so I won't mention the stuff that was wrong with it (not that many) so let me end with these hilarious quotes (Well, the ones that won't give away the movie :-p)

Charlie: Patricia is my cousin!

Sophie: How is that legal?

(While hearing the story of Romeo and Juliet)

Charlie: I would have grabbed her from that blasted balcony and been done with it.

(After hearing the story of Claire and Lorenzo having one last picnic)

Sophie: That's so romantic.

Charlie: What's so romantic about eating in the dirt?

Hahahaha, ok, I gotta go do a photoshoot with Autumn and Aunt Jolyn, so in the words of Tigger, TTFN!

June 26, 2010


So I'm typing this from my friend Autumn's computer...
That means that our Henderson visit is over, CHEO is over, and I will soon be starting my week with the Teter family! I am so excited, but I will miss my mommy the most! Now, as I type, I am looking at my nails that have pink/zebra designs... Autumn is the absolute QUEEN of nail designs... right now she is painting cherry blossoms on Meghan's nails, which is huge, because Meg hates to have her nails done. Autumn and I will be having some awesome times through the next week! WOOHOO!
lUv sArA :)

June 23, 2010

On Our Way...

In a little while, we will be on the road...
Pray for a safe trip and that we get there and none of us get carsick :-)
And we're off!

June 21, 2010

Very Near Future Plans

Ooooh, I am so excited!
Here is an outline for the next 2 weeks:

Tuesday 6-22: GABRIELLE IS COMING! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! That is 'all' :-) LOL

Wednesday 6-23: OHIO HERE WE COME! Driving up (2+ hours, yay) and visiting with the Hendersons.

Thursday 6-24: Regular day, simple, relaxing... I hope :-)

Friday 6-25: First night of CHEO (I'm not sure what it stands for, but it is a homeschool conference

Saturday 6-26: Morning/Afternoon of CHEO, then visit with Aunt Jolyn!

Sunday 6:27: Church w/ the Teters, then my mom, Meghan, and Gabrielle are going home... BUT I'M NOT! I'm staying with Autumn for another week until July 4th...


Sunday 7-4: Church, then driving home for the big 4th of July birthday bash for my daddy and my cousin, Ty

WHOO! So there is my week! I have no clue if I will be blogging, however, I know 4 people who might, so during the enxt 2 weeks, if you don't see anything here check out these four blogs. And if they don't have anything, PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!




So, I have to go finish packing! Ciao!

June 14, 2010

Flipping Out

Ok, so on Friday, I ordered my new Flip Ultra off of Ebay. It came on monday which was really fast, and I got to practice with it at Living Treasures Animal Park and at Moraine State Park.

Poor Meghan, she hadn't been to LT since she was 3, when a huge black sheep scared her out of her wits. Luckily, she had a much better time now... she was actually giggling with me and we 'adopted' two newborn goats. They must have only been a few days old and they were so fuzzy. The one I liked was all black with white around its feet, and I named it Sox (get it? Uh-Uh? Never mind!) Meghan's goat was white with black spots on its knees and she named it Kneepads! It was so cute! Ronnie made a new friend named Shelvin (Like a cross between Alvin and Shell) and it was a HUGE turtle!

I'll post pictures soon, right now I'm not in the mood.
I'm kinda bummed...
For a reason I won't say.

June 12, 2010

Left Behind Short Story Part 1

Ok, since I am officially obsessed with the book series Left Behind, I decided to apply that obsession and make up a few new characters! So here is a list of the young main characters and a plot!

CAST OF CHARACTERS: (and how they connect to the books)

Sara Steele; Age 15 (Niece of Rayford Steele) *Played by Sara Gorecki*
Jack Gylehaal; Age 19 (Classmate of Chloe Steele, from Stanford) *Played by Cameron Heidrick*
Missy Barnes; Age 16 (Adopted Niece of Bruce Barnes) *Played by Melissa Nelson*
Lucas Durham; Age 17 (Brother of Hattie Durham)PLOT:

Four average peoples' lives are turned upside down as the rapture happens and they find themselves left behind. Each turning to a relative or friend, they figure out that they all have a web of connections tying each other to the others in the group. Sara and Jack both know the Steeles, who know Hattie Durham, whose brother is a junior journalist, who has emailed Buck Williams, who knows Bruce Barnes, who has an adopted niece Missy who is friends with Sara. If you can figure that out, you'll have no trouble reading my new mini series, LEFT BEHIND-THE NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK. I am also going to try to make a trailer, so stay tuned!

June 11, 2010

I Heart Faces Fix-It-Friday #58

Yippee! Another F.I.F! This picture was so cute, mother and son :-) So here are two of my fixes!TADA! So, comment and tell me how you love it! (If you hate it, keep it to yourself please!)

June 9, 2010

Abigayle Adams

No, that isn't a typo :-) Yesterday, we had a get together with another homeschooling family, the Adams' family. They have Abi, Sadie, Emma, Michael and Ruthie. We had so much fun! We played on her iPod Touch, sketched, played basketball (YOUR TURN! Haha), and also made enchiladas. She is a good friend and we had so much fun! Abi & I (with Anna's peace sign)
Abi & Anna (Anna LOOOVES her!)

Ronnie, Abi, & Anna (They all had fun!)

The Lovely Abi
Ooh, this is Abi's "I cannot believe you're taking this picture," face!

Abi & I

Abi performing her roundoff perfectly!

My not so perfect cartwheel (I haven't done one in like a year & a half, so don't criticize)

Her attempt at a back walk over, but she didn't get the over part!

Sweet little "Fufie" This is Ruthie, but she calls herself Fufie :-) She is so polite and cute!

I had such a great time with them all and she even lent me her drawing book, so I'll update ya'll on some of my sketches!

June 6, 2010

I Heart Faces Week #27: Play

Yay! I haven't done one of these in a while! So the theme is play, so I am entering this adorable picture of my cousin Ty, who was PLAYing with cowboy

:-)Isn't he cute? Haha!

June 4, 2010

I Heart Faces Fix-It-Friday #57

Here is my entry, which I think truned out great considering I'm using editing software that came free on this computer! Here it is: (SO CUTE!)
I used Microsoft Digital Image Standard 2006, which is just a simple little editing program :-) Comparing it to Photoshop or Adobe is like comparing a preschooler's finger painting to a Picasa painting! However, since I am young still, it shall have to do.

Here is the original picture:

First, I rotated it counterclockwise so that the baby was laying down to the left.

Second, I cut just the feet out to hold while I darkened the rest.

Then I inserted the feet and upped the brightness

Lastly, I added the scripture, which made the finished product!