August 14, 2011

The beauty of B&W editing

Nothing feels better then attacking a discolored picture and making it instantly classic and gorgeous simply by clicking, "Make B&W," or whatever your editing software says. Since my personal laptop has been dead (*cue dramatic sniffle*) for four months, and the family laptop has NO photo editing software, I've used Picnik and WOW what an awesome program it is. Below are some examples of some black and white photos I've taken & edited.

Fixing black and white pictures is REALLY easy and there are usually 3 ways you can do it: adjusting the saturation, instant-B&W, or adjusting the threshold. I did all three on all these pictures, simply to make sure I got the perfect B&W image.

August 13, 2011

Punk Princess

Anything you do to the least of these....

"Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven,"

Serving seems easy. We sit in church, listening to the pastor speak about being God's hands and feet. We leave the service, planning to think of ways we could help; donating to mission work, volunteering our time at a shelter or helping a new mother. Then suddenly...a curve-ball is thrown at us in the form of an unexpected need for help. 
*screech of record player* 

" God?" 


"When I said I wanted to serve, I kinda thought it would be like volunteering at church or helping a new mother,"

"Well this is in my plan for you; this is a test for you,"

"But.....this isn't what I meant! I don't want this, I wanted something different!"

"My child, be my hands and feet. This is the serving I want to see in you. Strengthen your servant's heart,"

The verse in Matthew tells us that whatever we do for the least of these, we are doing for the Lord. Even if it is something that seems nearly impossible or that is very trying on our patience.

Use my hands, use my feet

To make your kingdom come

Through the corners of the earth

Until your work is done

'Cause Faith without works is dead

And on the cross your blood was she'd

So how could I not give it away so freely?

And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken.

Follow you into the world.

Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.

Follow you into the World.