September 30, 2010

My Own Ramona

I recently went to see the movie Ramona and Beezus. Such a cute movie! The little girl in it reminded me so much of Anna! Look!

Anna (above)


Their personalities are so similar! Quirky, cute, energetic, etc.

Anna & I

Ramona & Beezus

While watching the movie, I felt bad. Mainly because Beezus was mean to Ramona alot of the time and I felt convicted that I acted like that at times as well. My little sister can be annoying, yes (as can my little brother, but thats not what we're talking about), but she is a sweet little sister who adores me and I should set a better example for her. Just today I was washing a mountain of dishes, I looked out the kitchen window and saw Anna jumping around the backyard wearing a much-too-big red raincoat and rubber boots. I had to laugh, she looked like she was having the best time just playing in the rain. She is such a sweetie (90% of the time) and she is so funny! She is currently wearing a gold paisley shirt, a aqua and orange floral skirt, and a pair of burgungy patterned leggins. Oh, and cheetah ballet flats. She looks so adorable though, even though she couldn't match to save her life! Even through being convicted by Beezus's attitude and my sister poking me relentlessly anytime Josh Duhamel came on screen (Love ya Meghan!) I LOVED the movie and cannot wait to get it when it comes out on DVD. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it. Now. Run. GO!

(And no, I'm not getting paid for this blog post, though that would be awesome!)


Michaela W. said...

Hahaha, has Meghan seen your blog post yet? ;p

Ella said...

i don't have a little Ramona in my life....but Anna is in a way =D

I look forward to watching "Ramona and Beezus" someday...and whenever I watch it with Meghan, we both will poke you when Josh Duhamel comes on !

Anonymous said...

And that is my possessed/sheepish laugh.

Love you too, Sara. :) Love the new blog look-can't wait to read more of your thoughts. :)

imove92 said...

Oh Sada! This post was so sweet! I love it. And now, am too convicted of treating my little sister the same way. Thanks for that! OH! And Ifound an app on my phone that I can practice guitar on till I get one :)