April 17, 2010

A Movie Review

Sorry I haven't posted since monday! There is a reason for that, well, four actually...

  1. I had a monster migraine on tuesday that not only prevented me from seeing The Last Song (WHAAAAAAAAAA!) but it prevented me from blogging about said movie... :(

  2. I, um, kinda, uh, got grounded off of the computer/phone because, uh, I had a lil attitude... sorry mom! But I'm fine now :-)

  3. I had my last dance class on tuesday and this week is rehearsals! YAY! We shall be busy!

  4. And lastly, yesterday (I was just allowed on the computer again and...) it rained ALOT and our electricity was out for 7 hours! From 4:30-11:45 PM!

Anyways, thanks for all the comments! It means soooo much to me! Here is the review:

We saw this movie for the first time a few days ago and LOVED IT! Meghan and I laughed so hard at a few parts and I teared up at a part too! The basic synopsis is that Tiana is a hard worker who dreams of owning her own restaurant. Her best friend, Charlotte LeBouf, is daddy's little princess who throws around money like it's mardi gras confetti. However, she truly loves Tiana like a sister (Tiana's mom is her seamstress) and is happy to help her in any way she can. Tiana works two jobs to scrimp and save for her riverside restaurant. But when the owners say that she must have the money in four days, she tries to wish on a star and ends up kissing a frog. But is it just a frog? Oh no... you see Prince Naveen (The object of Charlotte's affection) was bamboozled by the charlatan of New Orleans, Dr. Faciellier. And the rest, you'll have to see for yourself!

Scary Moments:

The voodoo was a wee bit overboard, even for a disney villain... the shadow man (the doctor) uses voodoo dolls stuck with pins and there is a scary sequence where the prince is being transformed. We also skip a small part of voodoo magic that is just too freaky for our littles :)

Inapropriate Content:

A girl adjusts her bosom through her dress (In a humorous way, it flies right over our littles' heads), A lightning bug makes a reference to his grandma bug flashing the neighbors (again, over their heads).

Other Content:


A beloved character dies at the end, tragically squished. The funeral is very sad, but is followed by a happy wedding. The shadow man is dragged down to what we assume is hell by his so called, "Friends from the other side,"


Cute movie, in lovely 2-d animation, hand drawn movies are an art and this has just perfected it. My personal favorite part is any part with Lotte :) Love her! She is Disney's best supporting character by far!


Michaela W. said...

Hello Sara! This is actually Morgan, though it says Michaela!:)
We just watched "The Princess and the Frog" a couple of weeks ago...I agree it was cute! We probably won't watch it again, though, because of the voodoo. We actually skipped through all the voodoo sequences. I think it would have been worth an applaude if they didn't put in all the voodoo. Sadly, people feel the need to put into movies a bunch of trash, movies that would be great without it. :(

Anonymous said...

I really like that movie! Not anything like Lion King or Beauty and the Beast, but it was good. Some of those... things were pretty freaky. I closed my eyes at some parts!! But, overall, it was good.