February 28, 2010
Sue Thomas FBEYE short story part 1
Jack is woken up by a bouncing pair of 4 year olds. "Wake up Daddy! Let's go!"Wesley exclaimed, pulling at them. Jack groaned and sleepily rolled over. He pulled Wes off of the bed and sat up. "Is mommy up yet?" He asked, sitting up. Wes nodded and giggled at his dad's ruffled hair. "Her and Judy went to walk Levi. She made us some apple oatmeal, but I think we should have poptarts. Dontcha think, Daddy?" Wes talked rapidly, jumping on the bed. "I think whatever your mom made we should eat." Jack grinned at Wes's downcast face. After the pair got dressed and went downstairs, they found Sue and Judy sitting at the kitchen island with a alphabet chart. Jack watched his beautiful wife sign the letters as well as say them. Judy repeated, until she caught sight of Jack. "DADDY!" Judy exclaimed, running over to give him a hug. Sue followed and was caught up in the group hug. "How'd you sleep honey?" Sue asked. Jack shrugged. "I dunno, good I guess. Until Mr. Energy Bar on wheels came in to wake me up!" Sue laughed at his naming of Wes. "Did you want to be late? I already called D and said we would be late. We have to hurry if we're going to drop the kids off at Aunt Allie's house. She is such a blessing!" Jack nodded happily, scooping some oatmeal into a bowl. As he did, the doorbell rang. Levi and the kids ran to answer the door and opened it to find a disheveled Darcy D'Angelo standing on the doorstep. "Darcy! This is a surprise! I thought you were still in L.A!" Jack said, signing to Sue who had arrived. "I was, but I was investigating the Senator Jim McQueen drug scandal. I went over to his house and arrived just in time to see three men approach the door and shoot him point blank." Jack's eyes widened and Sue's jaw dropped. The children and Levi had long abandoned the scene, and Sue invited Darcy in. Jack dialed eight numbers into his cell and waited. A deep Aussie accent came over the phone and answered, "Yup, Bobby Manning." "Bobby, this is Jack. Is someone throwing up?" Jack asked, grimacing at the sound. Bobby chuckled wryly. "Yup, Tara. She has been doing that every morning for a few days. I wonder why." Jack groaned at his partner's stupidity. "Bobby, I think Tara has morning sickness. I went through it with Sue," Jack heard Bobby gasp, then he spoke. "You mean? WAHOO!" Jack held the phone away from his head and returned it to his ear to tell Bobby who was here. "Hey, Crash, guess who just appeared on my doorstep?"
Comment so I'll know to continue it!
February 27, 2010
Sue Thomas FBEYE short story introduction
- Sue Thomas Hudson: Jack's wife, deaf surveillance expert. Best friends with Lucy & Jack
- Jack Hudson: leader of the task force. Best friends with Sue and Bobby
- Bobby Manning: bomb diffuser on the team. Best friends with Jack
- Myles Leeland III: team dictonary, best friends with himself :-P
- Demetrius Gans: team supervisor, best friends with Jack & his wife, Donna
- Lucy Dotson Leeland: Myle's wife, team rotor (secretary), best friends with Sue and Tara
- Tara Williams Manning: wife of Bobby, team techie, best friends with Sue and Lucy
- Darcy D'Angelo: reporter, Bobby's previous girlfriend.
- Arif Dessa: terrorist, prince of terror, sprung from prison during a prison break.
- Wesley & Judy Hudson, Sue & Jack's twins. Age: 4
- Anne Lucille Leeland, Myles and Lucy's daughter. Age: 3
Okay, so there are the main characters. Of course, I'm not going to name every clerk in every store mentioned in the story, so let's move on to the plot synopsis.
When rumpled Darcy D'Angelo shows up unexpectedly at the Hudsons' house, the whole team rallies together. Bobby struggled with sad feelings (from their breakup) and Tara's computer is hacked. It turns out that the case Darcy was writing about is bigger then a drug scandal; it involves a sleeper cell and an infamous terrorist. Oh, and did I mention, he knows where Jack & Sue live? Stay tuned for part 1 of my story: To Catch a Prince! (Rated G)
Myles: (Speaking of a serial killer's case) I must admit, these cases intrigue me.
Lucy: Every one's gotta have a hobby! (Smirks)
February 26, 2010
Lookee what I did!

Sue Thomas: I'm going to go and exercise another one of my rights, that's what I'm going to do. Bobby Manning: I hope this isn't the one about the right to bear arms.
I am not babysitting today :-(
By the way, what do you all think of my music? COMMENT ON IT!
Sue Quote: Uh oh, TIMBER!( A suspect finally broke down and talked)
February 25, 2010

Aren't they amazingly CA-UTE???


I Heart My New Shoes!
Aren't you proud of me, Autumn? I finally went to Wet Seal :-)
Friends- A Poem
February 24, 2010
Gimme That Microphone
It doesn't mean that I can't draw, it doesn't mean that I have bad handwriting; it simply means that these are my virtual 'scribblings', my writing. Here I will be posting my song lyrics, poems, short stories, pictures, and anything else I can think of! I will also be writing about what I have been doing and everything that is going on! So, comment- comment generously, comment often.