March 31, 2010
March 30, 2010
The Widow's Might- Movie Review
(L to R) Cameron Heidricks, Angela Coates, and John Moore
March 29, 2010
I Heart Faces #1
March 28, 2010
Tag, I'm It!
Coffee or Tea? Peppermint Mocha, if you please :-)
Do you have any animals? Two cats (A big black one named Doc and a tiny calico named Chloe)
Any news you'd like to share? I bought a pair of cowgirl boots for $10!
What is your favorite flower? Daisies
Favorite day of the week? Thursdays, cause I get to see my little cousin TY!
What time did you get up this morning?Haha, actually 8 am... early for me!
What is your favorite TV show? SUE THOMAS F.B.EYE!!!!!!(YEAH BABY!)
What do you usually have for breakfast? Either skip it or whatever everyone else is eating!
What food do you dislike? Hmmm, probably any cooked veggie :-) Haha, whoops!
Salty or sweet? BOTH!
What is your best quality?According to my parental figures, creativity and wit!
What is your name? Sara Catherine
What characteristic do you most despise? Ummm, snobs :-P
Anywhere in the world on vacation?Ooh, definetely either Italy, Spain, or California!
Are you organized? HA! Yeah, um, saying I'm organized is like saying Sue Thomas is a bad show.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Who I Am (Jessica Andrews) Pray For Me (Michael
W. Smith), and Believe (Third Day)
Where are you going to retire to? I dunno...
What is your birthstone? gold topaz :( I would have preferred amethyst...
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? either hot pink, turquoise, or bright purple.
What is your favorite drink? Chocolate Milk! Real mature!
Favorite clothing? Either my cowgirl boots (mentioned above), my black sneakers, or my pink aeropostale dress.
Favorite restaurant? Oooh, tough one. Either El Matador (In NY) or Paneras!
What was your favorite toy as a child? My blankies (4 of them, with bears on them)
Chocolate or Vanilla? C- to the H to the... oh you get the point!
What is under your bed?I just cleaned it out yesterday, so my box to tidily sorted yarn, a rubbermaid bin of my spare purses, and my laptop... (don't ask about that last one! Let's just say my laptop is big)
What do you usually do in the evening? Read... check my email, clean up the kitchen.
OK... I tag Ella, Sarah, Maddie, Lindsay, and Aunt Jolyn!
March 21, 2010
My view of Miley Cyrus
"My faith is very important to me, but I definitely don't define my faith by going to church because it feels like a show with all the cameras," I admit, it would be obnoxious to have cameras in your face. But couldn't she try to ignore the 'show' and go worship and listen to the teachings? Church is church, and her excuse isn't legitimate.
When asked if it's hard to be a christian, "People are always looking for you to do something that is non-christian, but it's like dude, Christians don't live in the dark... If I wear something revealing, suddenly I'm not a christian. Oh yeah, like I'm going to hell for wearing a mini skirt." I feel that she is setting a tarnished example of what christians should do. No, christians do not live in the dark, but that doesn't mean that you need to display your limbs immodestly for the world to see. No, you won't go to hell for wearing a mini skirt, but you won't be honoring the Lord by wearing one.
When asked about the controversies she has had, "I wonder if parents remember how they were when they were a kid! Like, dude, like you were an angel! My parents love me. Sometimes they're like, Miles, we're not thrilled about your decisions, but at least they don't have to worry about where I am at 3 in the morning!" No, no one is perfect but you have young fans that look up to you hugely, why else would you be on their lunch boxes and toothbrushes and clothes? Miley complains that she hates being a 'product', but it shows how much people like her and look up to her. I concur that it would get annoying seeing your face everywhere, however if she is tired of that, the she should take a sabbatical from showbiz to clear her head.
She is a 17 year old superstar (literally) and the pressure seems to be getting to dear ol' Destiny Hope 'Miley' Cyrus. Looks like Miley ain't so smiley anymore... (Gabrielle, that's for you!) I hope that she is happy doing what ever she wants to do. I don't agree with some of the things she does or wears, but I wish her luck in evolving out of Hannah Montana.
Sweet 12 year old Miley Cyrus... just a girl with a dream and a wig.
Here is Hannah Montana, aka Miley Cyrus, aka Miley Stewart in season 1
A recent snap of Miley. Her makeup is a little dark...
Hannah Montana in season 3... I have to point out that #1 I love the dress and #2 it is modest
Miley at the 2010 Oscars... they could have added sleeves and a neckline!
Miley Cyrus as Ronnie in her newest movie, The Last Song,
What do you think of Miley? Like her, hate her, in between? Comment and let me know!
March 19, 2010

YAY! Meghan wears a turban! This was our good picture :) You'll see why if you scroll!

March 18, 2010
Spring-Has-Sprung 2010 Photoshoot Part 1

Pictures coming soon!
March 14, 2010
Pi Day!

Yummy! Cinnamon, apple, and gluten free goodness! Yummo! I love Pie! (Not Pi ;P)
March 10, 2010