March 30, 2010

The Widow's Might- Movie Review

Ahem, and now to continue in a sophistacated manner...
Now that I have said that, here goes:

This movie was made by Heumoore Productions. The movie was made entirely by homeschoolers for a film festival. The main cast of characters are: John Moore (as John Moore), Cameron Heidrick (as Cameron Cavillo) and Angela Coates (as Angela Cavillo). The movie also stars almost all of John Moore's family, including his adorable little brother Gator (real name!)

The plot is that two best friends John and Cameron enter a film festival. They go on to states just as they get the news that a widowed friend is losing her home to tax forclosure. They get the idea to help her by making a 30 minute movie outlining Widow Jackson's situation and exposing the high level thieves to be exactly who they are: high level thieves. I was very impressed with the acting and the singing! The movie they are making within the movie is a musical western. AMAZING! Nothing objectionable AT ALL! No kissing, nothin! Might I add, Ronnie now thinks John Moore is as good as John Wayne! Go and see this movie!

(L to R) Cameron Heidricks, Angela Coates, and John Moore

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