March 28, 2010

Tag, I'm It!

I loooooove these types of tags!
Coffee or Tea? Peppermint Mocha, if you please :-)

Do you have any animals? Two cats (A big black one named Doc and a tiny calico named Chloe)

Any news you'd like to share? I bought a pair of cowgirl boots for $10!

What is your favorite flower? Daisies

Favorite day of the week? Thursdays, cause I get to see my little cousin TY!

What time did you get up this morning?Haha, actually 8 am... early for me!

What is your favorite TV show? SUE THOMAS F.B.EYE!!!!!!(YEAH BABY!)

What do you usually have for breakfast? Either skip it or whatever everyone else is eating!

What food do you dislike? Hmmm, probably any cooked veggie :-) Haha, whoops!

Salty or sweet? BOTH!

What is your best quality?According to my parental figures, creativity and wit!

What is your name? Sara Catherine

What characteristic do you most despise? Ummm, snobs :-P

Anywhere in the world on vacation?Ooh, definetely either Italy, Spain, or California!

Are you organized? HA! Yeah, um, saying I'm organized is like saying Sue Thomas is a bad show.

What is your favorite song at the moment? Who I Am (Jessica Andrews) Pray For Me (Michael
W. Smith), and Believe (Third Day)

Where are you going to retire to? I dunno...

What is your birthstone? gold topaz :( I would have preferred amethyst...

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? either hot pink, turquoise, or bright purple.

What is your favorite drink? Chocolate Milk! Real mature!

Favorite clothing? Either my cowgirl boots (mentioned above), my black sneakers, or my pink aeropostale dress.

Favorite restaurant? Oooh, tough one. Either El Matador (In NY) or Paneras!

What was your favorite toy as a child? My blankies (4 of them, with bears on them)

Chocolate or Vanilla? C- to the H to the... oh you get the point!

What is under your bed?I just cleaned it out yesterday, so my box to tidily sorted yarn, a rubbermaid bin of my spare purses, and my laptop... (don't ask about that last one! Let's just say my laptop is big)

What do you usually do in the evening? Read... check my email, clean up the kitchen.

OK... I tag Ella, Sarah, Maddie, Lindsay, and Aunt Jolyn!


Lindsay said...

What a fun tag, Sara!!

I love your answer to the "are you organized" question! lol! :D

Oh, and "Believe" is one of my favorite songs right now too! I really like Third Day, and when I found out that they used that song in "Prodigal Father", I liked it even more! :)

Wow, chocolate milk? "That's very interesting." ;)

Anyway, I enjoyed reading this! I think I already answered most of these questions a couple of weeks ago, so I hope you don't mind if I skip doing it.

~ Love,

P.S. - I *love* the new background! :)

Sara said...

Thanks! I thought any Sue fans would enjoy my organized answer! Haha, I actually heard the song from the Sue episode! AWESOME! Go ahead and skip it, I was just thinking of different bloggy people! Thanks for the comment!