March 31, 2010

Guess This Picture...

Whoever guesses correctly will win...uh... a mystery prize!
(Meghan & Autumn cannot win because they already know!)


Ella said...

Goodness, Sara, I'm going to say fabric....but I don't think that's right....

Anonymous said...

Either a shower curtain, fabric, or a lot of eyes.
╬ mAdDiE ╬

Lindsay said...

Oh, I have no idea, Sara!
But here are a few guesses:

Maybe a dress...
or a skirt?

I can't wait to find out!!! :D

Sara said...

OK! Here...
IT'S MY DRESS! My perty blue/green easter dress from Fashion Bug... the mystery prize is... going to be revealed in the next post! :-)

Lindsay said...

Hey... does that mean I win, Sara? ;)

Sara said...

Yes! Email me with your address and I'll mail you the prize :-) (It's small, just something little)